

The MetaRepublic will have the following:

Two Founders, who will get the MetaRepublic rolling.

A MetaName, which will be a US Registered Trademark, defended against all outsiders and imposters.

An Internet presence, to coordinate all activity, including a voting system

A MetaConstitution which defines the MetaRepublic. This may only be adopted and modified by supermajorities. This will set fundamental philosophies, procedures, positions, rights, powers, and responsibilities.

A MetaCode, which is a set of laws passed according to the MetaConstitition, including at least a voting system. The MetaCode may not conflict with the MetaConstitution. It may be modified by a simple majority in the legislative body, and

An overarching MetaFederation among different MetaStates.

The MetaFederation will comprise:

An executive body, a judicial body, and a legislative body.

An Independent Attorney General, responsible for investigating and proving violations of the rules.

An independent Data Agency, whose sole purpose is to safeguard and distribute information held by the MetaRepublic.

An Independent Treasurer.

Citizens, who are real people.

The MetaRepublic will set top level rules that pervade the entire organization, and which override any MetaState rules where they conflict.

Each MetaState , if it wishes to be recognized and vote as a MetaState within the MetaRepublic, will have at least:

A MetaName, which will be a US Registered Trademark, defended against all outsiders and imposters.

An Internet presence, to coordinate all activity.

A MetaConstitution which defines the MetaRepublic. This may only be adopted and modified by supermajorities.

A MetaCode, which is a set of laws passed according to the MetaConstitition including at least A democratically chosen election process to elect representatives

An executive body, a judicial body, and a legislative body.

An Independent Attorney General, responsible for investigating and proving violations of the rules.

An independent Data Agency, whose sole purpose is to safeguard and distribute information held by the MetaState.

An Independent Treasurer

A predetermined number of Citizens, e.g., at least 7.

MetaStates can be organized around any interest. It may be a geographical interest (People who live in New Hampshire or California, for example), a monetary interest (people who work at a particular company that grows duckweed or sells candy, for example), a political interest (people for strengthened second amendment gun rights, getting Bernie Sanders elected, and/or for reduced CO2 emissions, for example), or an existing organization, such as The Young Turks, or Citizens of Australia.

Citizens may be partial residents of more than one MetaState, but their partial residency may not total more than 100%. For example, Citizen MarkFace could be a 30% citizen of The Duckweed Collective Metastate, and a 70% citizen of the New Hampshire Live Free MetaState. This assures that citizens joining different MetaStates and assigning their rights to be represented in the MetaRepbulic will not be represented disproportionately with respect to other citizens. It allows citizens to prioritize their values when being represented by MetaState representatives in the MetaRepublic. So in the example, Citizen MarkFace values living free in New Hampshire more than working at the Duckweed Collective, so he considers himself to be more a New Hampshire person than a Duckweed growing person. If they were of equal importance, he could assign them 50/50. When voting in the MetaRepublic, New Hampshire Live Free Metastate could count as much of MarkFace as a citizen as MarkFace assigns. So, in the first example, Markface would count only as 0.3 Citizens in The Duckweed Collective Metastate, and 0.7 Citizens in the New Hampshire Live Free Metastate. In order to qualify as a state, the New Hampshire Live Free MetaState would need 6.3 more citizens.

Citizens always have the right to override any vote made by their representatives in the MetaRepublic, and to vote directly.


Citizens may issue currency according to laws passed by the legislature. For example, the legislature may declare: “Any licensed beautician may pay for goods and services with self issued promissory notes collectible as services registered as a beautician. If the beautician issues such currency as payment, the beautician must accept payment in that currency at the rate of 12 MarkTrades per men’s haircut, and 22 MarkTrades per woman’s haircut by any other person holding or issuing such currency, in lieu of any other currency.”

Limits may be placed on the amount of currency a person may issue. The currency may be drawn from the central bank at a set interest rate.